Job Referral for Apna

How we helped blue and grey collar job seekers easily discover and build a meaningful professional network

User Research App User Flow Usability Testing

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8 weeks

About Apna is an online job search platform that serves as a marketplace connecting professionals across India. The platform caters to a diverse range of professionals, from blue-collar workers to white-collar executives, offering a centralized hub for job seekers and employers alike.

🚀 Apna has undergone a significant evolution as a product…

…with its growth marked by a strategic emphasis on community-building. Initially conceived as a job marketplace, Apna quickly recognized the value of fostering a sense of belonging and connection among its users. This realization led to the development of apnaCommunity, a digital space where professionals could engage, share insights, and support each other in their career journeys. The integration of community into the platform helped it transform into more than just a job search tool; it has become a thriving ecosystem where users can network, seek advice, and access resources tailored to their professional aspirations.

The big questions…

Are these job seekers interested in building a professional network?

What motivates them to join and actively use a professional network?

What are their expectations from such a network?

How can we foster a sense of community and support among our users?

Our initial hypothesis was grounded in the assumption that…

…many of the blue and grey collar workforce in India might not be familiar with the concept of a structured job referral flow.

Are these job seekers interested in building a professional network?

We conducted user interviews to get insights and divided them into different groups based on:

  • where they were in their job journey (looking for jobs or already applying),

  • how long they've been employed (more than 3 months),

  • the type of jobs they were interested in (blue and grey-collar), and

  • their experience level (freshers or experienced).


🚀 users actively search for job referrals offline


😥 users face difficulties in obtaining them


🔎 struggle to find the right connections


💬 users need help deciding on the right job

Problems Identified in the Offline Flow

As we delved into the offline referral process, we found some issues which led to them missing out on wider job opportunities.

Relying on personal connections and f-2-f communication

Depends on the user's networking ability and relationship building

Requires confidence to ask for referrals

Dependency on employee willingness and ability

We built a 'network-first' job referral flow. Why?

We realized what really worked for our users was being able to tap into their own networks when seeking job referrals. Because our users felt way more comfortable approaching people they had some connection with, whether through work or personal circles. And you know what? Users responded incredibly positively to this approach. It just felt right for them.

A preview of the user's network

We guide the user through a maze of companies in their network and help them discover their pseudo network (friends' friends) and the companies they work at!

A preview of the user's network

We guide the user through a maze of companies in their network and help them discover their pseudo network (friends' friends) and the companies they work at!

Network-First Referral

Get a sneak peek at all the job openings in your network and discover your dream company! Our algorithm sorts companies based on your job preferences, so you can finally put an end to endless job searching and be one step closer to your career happily ever after.

Network-First Referral

Get a sneak peek at all the job openings in your network and discover your dream company! Our algorithm sorts companies based on your job preferences, so you can finally put an end to endless job searching and be one step closer to your career happily ever after.

Referral Game On Point with Our Message Templates

Referral requests just got a whole lot easier with our pre-defined message templates! Say goodbye to awkwardly worded messages and hello to a seamless referral request experience. With just a few clicks, you can request a referral for your dream job and the app will take care of the rest.

Referral Game On Point with Our Message Templates

Referral requests just got a whole lot easier with our pre-defined message templates! Say goodbye to awkwardly worded messages and hello to a seamless referral request experience. With just a few clicks, you can request a referral for your dream job and the app will take care of the rest.

Effortless networking

Users can see message reply suggestions and call-to-actions that help a user steer the conversation in the right direction - building a strong and meaningful network with ease and leaving the small talk behind.

Effortless networking

Users can see message reply suggestions and call-to-actions that help a user steer the conversation in the right direction - building a strong and meaningful network with ease and leaving the small talk behind.

If I have to take one thing away from this experience…

Overall, the job referral feature aims to simplify the process of finding job referrals and build a community of professionals who can help each other find the right job. And boy, did we see some super results:

✨ 80%

users found the referral feature easy to understand and use

✨ 80%

users found the referral feature easy to understand and use

✨ 80%

users found the referral feature easy to understand and use

👌 55%

of users felt that the framing messages made them more comfortable asking for referrals

👌 55%

of users felt that the framing messages made them more comfortable asking for referrals

💬 60%

of users successfully sent a referral request within their first 2 minutes of exploring the feature

💬 60%

of users successfully sent a referral request within their first 2 minutes of exploring the feature

Anjali Darbha

Senior Product Designer & Illustrator

© 2024 Anjali Darbha. All rights reserved.

Anjali Darbha

Senior Product Designer & Illustrator

© 2024 Anjali Darbha. All rights reserved.

Anjali Darbha

Senior Product Designer & Illustrator

© 2024 Anjali Darbha. All rights reserved.